Why Are Muslims So Boring?

Go Out and Vote Obama

Don’t Gamble-Rely on a SURE THING

Chicago’s “Desi Corridor”

Statement by the President on Hajj and Eid al-Adha

Refugees Accuse Burmese Government of Ignoring Ethnic Cleansing: ‘If We Stayed, We Would Have Been Killed’

Massachusetts Candidates Differ Only Slightly on MidEast

How Syria’s Rebel Fighters Were Sold Exploding Rifles – by a Mystery Briton Named ‘Emile’

First Pakistani in Space Will be a Woman

Saudis Take a Bulldozer to Islam’s History

The Other Peace Process: Interreligious Dialogue and Peace

YMCA Honors Homa Yavar

The US Government Honored Prophet Muhammad (s) in 1935

Peace via Sharia