Omicron Surge Causes COVID-19 Pandemic Record
by Yousuf Ali
The latest situation regarding covid has been severe with the pandemic hitting a record due to rise in the omnicron variant. According to CNBC, the US hit a pandemic area with 1 million new infections on January 3rd as reported by Johns Hopkins University.
For context, it was less than 1% at the beginning of December meaning that its numbers skyrocketed in about a month. Furthermore, on Tuesday President Joe Biden said people who are fully vaccinated, particularly those who have received boosters, are highly protected against severe illness from omicron even if they are infected. “You can still get Covid, but it’s highly unlikely, very unlikely, that you’ll become seriously ill,” Biden said in regards to those who have taken precautions. “We’re seeing Covid-19 cases among vaccinated workplaces across America, including here at the White House, but if you’re vaccinated and boosted, you are highly protected.”
CNBC cited a study by the UK Health Security Agency that says that the Pfizer and Moderna two dose vaccines are onlly about 10% effective at preventing infections from people with omicron and who were symptomatic.
Additionally, “Booster doses, on the other hand, provide the best protection and are up to 75% effective at preventing symptomatic infection, the U.K. Health Security Agency found.”
According to Fast Company, the parts of the country where it is spreading are as follows: “the South Central and Northeast regions showing the highest proportions at 98.2% and 98%, respectively. The region that includes the lower Midwestern states of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Iowa had the lowest proportion at 77.4%.” Even though it is less deadly, data suggests it is not as severe as the other variant the Fast Company reports“the sheer size of caseloads means hospital systems in many areas are at risk of becoming quickly overwhelmed.”