Op Ed: Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians for Greater Israel
by Khalid Rizvi
It’s shocking to learn from John Joseph Mearsheimer an American political scientist and author of the book “The Israel Lobby”, that massive ethnic cleansing of Palestinians predicted in Gaza and the West Bank to achieve the goal of Greater Israel while giving an interview with Aljazeera on 16th December 2023.
Further, he elaborated that the bombing campaign, starving and forced eviction of Palestinians along with the language and remarks used by P.M Netanyahu and other Israeli top officials after October 7th of the adventure of Hammas as “Human animal”, “wipe out”, “Amalek” and flattening, leveling, and warning to change Ghaza into deserted land is a manifestation of ethnic cleansing. It is to be noted that the whole process constitutes the genocide as happened in “Rwanda”.
Upon asking by the host, why is the United States not sanctioning
Israel but rather supporting in terms of billions of dollars and weapons? – Mearsheimer replied that the lobby would go after the Joe Biden administration.
As Israel has already been labeled as an Apartheid state like South Africa (earlier) by Human Rights International and Amnesty International, it could be a fear of Israelis that apartheid Palestine could turn into free Palestine like South Africa, hence Israelis marching toward massive ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Ghaza and West bank.
During the program, the host showed the clip of the Former Israeli U.N. ambassador holding the Bible (Old Testament) and said “This is the deed to our land’.
How can God command in any scriptures of world religion to wipe out all living things for grabbing the land ie Amalak.?
It’s surprising that the same kind of inhuman, illogical, irrational unjustified, and baseless claim for owning land of Palestine raised by PM Benjamin Netanyahu in the show of Jordan B Peterson one year ago that land belongs to Israeli as historically controlled by the Israeli since three thousand years.
To get closer to the truth, I would like to refer to the book of historian Erich H. Cline: “Jerusalem Besieged From Ancient Canan to Modern Israel” where he quotes:
“Jerusalem has been Besieged 23 times, Attacked 52 times, Captured or re-captured 44 times”
Here is the bottom line of the book.
As mentioned in his book no historical records were found for the period from 2000 B.C to 1000 B.C as the Cannanite period ie the time before the arrival of Israeli in Jerusalem.
Further, he mentioned that in terms of the state that controlled the city of Jerusalem, the longest would be the Romans followed by the ancient Kingdom of Juddah whereas much more recent is the Ottoman Empire, whereas in terms of religion, Islam dominated the city for about one thousand two hundred eighty-three years.
Top dates
Romans ———-683 years
Juddahites——– 414 years
Ottoman Empire– 401 years
Top Religion:
1 Islam
2. Judaism
3. Christianity
Thus, it’s obvious from the timeline of Jerusalem that it has a diverse history, especially from a religious perspective.
In light of the above fact, just for grabbing and stealing the land of the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank and purposely targeting innocent civilians on the basis of the corrupted “Bible “ and distorted historical facts in order to achieve the goal of Greater Israel followed by illegal occupation to be termed as Criminal act to be prosecuted in International Court of Justice by International community.
It’s sad, that the United Nations Secretary-General can not go beyond the statement and sympathize with the oppressed Palestinians with the words as “Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children”.