Press Release: A Statement From the Imams Council of Michigan
Dear Community,
Please take a moment to read the following statement from the Imams Council of Michigan, which clarifies the council’s non-endorsement of any political candidates and calls for unity within the community.
Imams Council of Michigan
Imam M.A. Elahi (Co-Chair) – (313) 655-3215,
Imam M. Elturk (Co-Chair) – (248) 210-4156,
For Immediate Release
Imams Council of Michigan Clarifies Non-Endorsement of Political Candidates and Calls for Community
[Royal Oak, MI, 10-28-2024] – Dear Community Members,
We pray that this message finds you in good health and high spirits.
Recently, a photo surfaced showing some imams with former President Donald Trump. This image has
circulated within our community, leading some to believe that the Imams Council of Michigan endorses his
candidacy. We would like to clarify that the Imams Council of Michigan is a religious organization dedicated to
promoting Islamic values, unity, and the well-being of our community. As such, the Imams Council does not
endorse any political party or candidate at the national, state, or local level.
We strongly encourage all community members to exercise their right to vote thoughtfully and conscientiously.
We promote the importance of making an informed decision when voting, and we respect that each person’s
choice may differ.
Our community includes members with diverse perspectives and affiliations and may choose any candidate. We
ask that, as a community, we respect these decisions and remain united. Our strength lies in our unity, and we
must not let individual voting choices create divisions among us.
In the spirit of unity, we also reflect on the ayah: “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not
become divided” (3:103).
May Allah (SWT) grant us wisdom, strengthen our unity, and guide us all in making choices that serve justice
and compassion. Ameen.
The Imams Council of Michigan